Saturday, 19 February 2011

Dedicated Server: Why Use A Dedicated Server

In networking terms a server is any program that functions as a socket listener. It can also denote a host which is used to execute one or more programs. It is a very general term. In todays age of technological development every needs their own personal equipments. The server too is no exception. This is where the term dedicated server comes into the picture. A server which is used only by one particular individual or a particular group of individuals and is not share with anyone else is called a dedicated server. These Dedicated Server are generally leased for a particular point of time and often the lease is renewed.
But why would someone want to use a dedicated server? The answer is very simple. General servers have a user count which may vary from time to time. Sometimes it may be totally idle and sometimes it may be at its peak. For example the fifa website which was swamped with user hits during the world cup, now will not have even half the number of users visiting the page. This uncertainty factor does not work in all the places. Some people may need to be sure of the number of people who are going to user their server and need to configure it accordingly because not all servers can take the same amount of load.
This is the reason why dedicated servers came into the picture. These servers are only for a select group of users. For example is a server is dedicated only to the premium account holders of a massive multiplayer online role playing game then the number of people with premium accounts is limited, hence the traffic will be low and thus providing with a better game playing experience . This is the whole concept of using a dedicated server.
A dedicated servers comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. On a general server you need not do the back end work, you can enjoy your applications and let the server do its work but in terms of a dedicated server you need to do the back end work as well. This can work both as an advantage and a disadvantage because you can customise your server the way you want to and use it as per your convenience but if you do not have the experience of using servers, then it is bound to be a lot of trouble. The linux dedicated servers has a lot of advantages to offer.
You can custom your own applications; the security of a dedicated server is greater than the security you would get with a general server. The other added advantage is once you customise your server the way you like ,it is very easy to use and the server use becomes more of a routine when compared to the general server where there is some change occurring at some point or the other.  The world is now moving towards a dedicated server even if it means a little extra effort Windows Dedicated Servers.

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